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What Can I do After an MBA? Explore the Myriad Options!

Updated: June 19, 2024

Updated: June 19, 2024

What To Do After An MBA Degree

Wondering if the investment in an MBA is worth it? You’re likely asking, “What can I do after an MBA?” Upon completion of a master’s in business administration, you’ll have honed your business knowledge and professional skills to enter a variety of lucrative positions.

That’s why we’re going to share all about future plans after MBA completion so you have an idea of what you can pursue.

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What Can I Do After MBA?

A master’s in business administration covers an array of coursework, including topics like human resources, management, finance, marketing, and business strategy. During your MBA program, you’ll have the option to focus your studies on an MBA specialization if you so choose. This will be based on your personal interests and job goals. 

Whether you choose to specialize or fulfill the general MBA program requirements, you’ll be ready to jump into the workforce (or potentially return to the workforce) with all you need to succeed. 

Here’s a look at some popular career choices for those with an MBA graduate degree: 

Financial Manager

A financial manager can work in any type of business that is looking to optimize its spending and minimize its costs. Financial managers conduct data analysis and serve as advisors to executives or senior managers on how to boost profits. They’re often responsible for creating plans to reach organizational goals, direct investments, and create financial reports, to name a few. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, financial managers can expect to earn an average of $131,710 per year in the United States. The source shares that the field is expected to grow much faster than average by 17% between 2021 and 2031. 

Management Consultant

Have the desire to help companies achieve their business goals and overcome obstacles? As a management consultant, you will offer an outsider’s perspective as to how a business can improve by offering solutions to challenges. Consultants have the option to work for consultancy firms or for themselves. Payscale reports that management consultants in America earn an average of $90,807 per year

Marketing Manager

For those looking to blend creativity, strategy, and critical thinking skills, becoming a marketing manager could be the golden ticket. Marketing managers direct and oversee a company’s marketing plans. Their goal is to use a marketing strategy to improve the demand for a product or service in order to increase sales. Glassdoor reports that marketing managers earn an average salary of $78,754 per year

Health Services Manager 

There’s always an increasing focus on population health, especially in the face of health scares and pandemics. Health services managers are in charge of healthcare facilities. Like management consultants, their goal is to minimize costs while maximizing profits, so the role entails close attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and strategizing capabilities. The position can expect an average salary of $127,525 per year, as states. 

Human Resources Manager

Human resources professionals help businesses to hire and retain staff. With more and more companies focused on diversity, inclusion, employee wellness, and equity, the role of a human resources manager is increasingly important and exciting. Human resources managers are in charge of allocating budgets, designing hiring practices, and enforcing workplace policies, to name a few. reports that the average salary for this position in the United States is $111,975 per year

Source: Unsplash

What is Next after MBA?: Marketing Yourself

During and upon completion of your MBA, you can work on creating your own personal brand and even sign up for courses after an MBA to enhance your skills. To optimize your prospects of landing your dream job, consider doing the following:

1. Create a personal brand

Establish your own personal brand. You can even create a personal website so that employers can learn more about you beyond your resume and cover letter. Personal branding is an asset in the world of business because it can help set you apart and make you more memorable to hiring managers. 

2. Assess your skill set 

While developing your resume and talking about yourself in interviews, you’ll come to find you’ll have to talk about your strengths and weaknesses. It’s worthwhile to take time and assess your own skills and experience so that you can highlight to your prospective company why you’d be such a strong fit for the role. 

Utilize your network

During your MBA, you’ll get to network with peers, professors, and companies. Take the time to develop these relationships. By doing so, you will be able to leverage your personal network for professional opportunities. You’ve probably heard it before, but the importance of “who you know” can make a big difference. 

3. Learn new skills

If you’re looking to enhance your skills or learn new things, you can enroll in courses after your MBA, too. You have countless options, like certificate programs in business administration or the wide availability of online programs and workshops. 

4. Communicate Well 

You can expect that for any position you wish to land, you’ll be required to have an in-person or digital interview. This means that you’ll have to be able to translate the skills that have been showcased in your resume and/or online presence verbally. The importance of strong communication skills is incredibly important for the above-mentioned positions. The ability to articulate information about yourself is a professional skill that is a necessity in business-related roles, so this is your time to shine to make a solid first impression. 

Source: Unsplash

The Bottom Line

We’ve only touched the surface here to answer, What can I do after MBA graduation?” With new businesses popping up each day and nearly infinite roles across industries that are well-suited for an MBA graduate, the world really does become your oyster. The time you spend investing in an MBA will pay off for itself when you are hired in your dream role. Plus, MBA graduates have higher earning potential than those with a bachelor’s degree, so there are a lot of upsides to earning your graduate degree. 

To learn more about the University of the People’s entirely online, accredited, and tuition-free MBA program, click here

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