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“ tuition+free ”

Best Colleges for an Education Degree

Thinking about getting an education degree? Keep reading to find out the best colleges for an education degree. When thinking about the best colleges for an education degree, there are so many options out there. It is important to ask yourself what you are looking for in your college. Do you want to take courses…

Our Top Tips for Becoming Successful as a College Student

Heading off to college is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit daunting. There’s a lot to balance, from classes and exams to socializing and extracurriculars. If you are wondering how to be successful as a student in college, here are some top student tips for success: Get Involved On Campus Getting…

Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success

You may have heard the saying that education is the key to success, but it’s really true. In fact, there are eight solid reasons to believe that pursuing education beyond your high school degree in the 21st century will make you more attractive to potential employers and ultimately become more successful. Source: Unsplash 1. Education…

Top Tips on How to Get into College with a Low GPA

Your GPA is among the top requirements for college admission. The average high school GPA in the US is 3.0 (B) but higher than 3.0 for students applying for college admissions. If you didn’t score high, you’re probably thinking about how to get into college with a low GPA. You can choose to boost your GPA,…

How To Land The Perfect Job In 2021: 10 Tips

Here are some top job search tips to help you get noticed by potential employers and land your dream job. Job hunting can be an exciting and interesting time as it involves planning, decision making, meeting new people and impressing potential employers with your education, knowledge, personality and skills. But, unfortunately, it can also be…

Top 12 Interview Tips for Success

Here are 12 interview tips that will give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to overcome your fear and show that you have the ability to do the job. Your resume is a summarized compilation of your qualifications, work experience, accomplishments and achievements with the sole purpose of getting you an interview. Your interview success…

How to Succeed in Education in the Philippines

Interested in getting an education in the Philippines? See what there is to offer here. More students are choosing to get an education the Philippines when pursuing their degrees. Why? Because there are increasingly more high-quality universities and vocational colleges being established and a new law has made public higher education tuition-free! But before we…

Here is How You Can Become a Successful Student Entrepreneur

Mark Zuckerberg, you know him as the founder of Facebook. But, did you know that he started Facebook in his dorm room while attending Harvard? The same can be said about Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, the founder of Reddit, who started their website while enrolled at the University of Virginia. Add these names to…

The Best College Careers Out There for Graduates

If you’re looking for the best college careers when you graduate, we can help! These are the best college careers in the world. Sure, getting a degree can be tough. There’s classes, assignments, exams, and other major responsibilities. But earning your degree is just the beginning. Whether you’re going to study, are studying now, or…

Resume Writing Tips to Land Your Dream Job

Resume writing tips improve your resume, get that interview and land your dream job. When a recruiter reads your resume, their main objective is to assess whether you have the skills and experience to do the job. Their secondary objective is to gain a first impression of your ability to write, spell, punctuate, organize information,…

Student Loan Debt: A Must Read Guide for Students

Funding college comes with financial understanding to pay back student loan debt after graduation. This guide will help prepare you. According to the Federal Reserve, 44.5 million students in America alone owe a collective $1.5 trillion as of March 2018. The record amount of student loan debt is testing the economy and greatly affecting the…

Maximize Your Career Potential: Top 5 Internships for Computer Science Students

Although the computer science field is in high demand and is expected to grow, it is never too late to get a head start on a successful career path. You are lucky because we have rounded up some of the best internships for computer science students. Let us explore some of the best internships for…