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“ tuition+free ”

MBA vs. Executive MBA (EMBA): What’s the Difference?

MBA vs. Executive MBA (EMBA): Answers to some important questions, to help you make the best decision for your career and family. If you’re looking to advance your career, it might be time to get a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. But what’s better, an MBA or an EMBA (Executive MBA)? Here are the answers…

Online vs Traditional School: A Thorough Analysis

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the United States alone, data from the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 43% of students were enrolled in remote instruction (online school) in early 2021. The rise of online education can be witnessed around the world as technology continues to advance. The increased attendance and desire for online colleges during COVID…

Top 10 Online Jobs for College Students in 2024 

In 2024, the traditional part-time job for college students is evolving into something far more flexible and exciting: online and remote work. Imagine not having to rush from a lecture hall to a shift at a local café but instead settling into a cozy corner of your dorm room to earn money with just a…

13 Inspiring Educational Quotes for Students

Throughout your educational journey, it’s likely that you’ll look for sources of motivation. Since you’ll be tasked with a lot and will have your fair share of responsibilities, these quotes by famous educators and other notable people are a great place to turn to. Educational quotes and quotes related to education may offer the boost…

7 Great Scholarships for Single Moms

You’ll do anything for your kids, even go back to school, but can’t afford tuition? Here are some scholarships for single moms. You don’t have to do this alone. How many times has this happened to you? You wake up to a cold winter day, barely drag yourself out of the covers, and hurry up to…

Graduates Annual Survey for 2016

We asked our graduates some questions about how UoPeople influenced their lives. This is what they answered As another year of educational service ends, we turned to our graduates to find out what they think of their experience with University of the People, and what results they saw thanks to their time with us. Here…

Adults Going Back To School Is Hope For The Future!

When you think of college students, images of young people are what likely pops into your head. But there are millions of adults going back to school. Going back to school as an adult can come along with its own set of challenges and obstacles. Older college students often doubt their abilities to return to…

The Biggest Challenges Facing First Generation College Students (and how to overcome them)

A first-generation college student is any student who is the first in their family to pursue a four-year degree. Does that sound like you? Or will that be you in the near future? If so, congratulations! You’ve made a decision to pursue a degree, enhance your education, and open up hundreds of new doors for…

6 Things School Guidance Counselors Should Be Telling Every Student

As a new class of students starts planning their futures, here are six valuable pieces of advice school guidance counselors can offer students: 1. Don’t Let Money Stand in Your Way As a school guidance counselor it’s your job to help students get where they want to go. One of the biggest obstacles students face…

9 Smart Personal Finance Tips for College Students

Your first year of college can also be the first year of your adult life. It’s an exciting time, that’s filled with lots of new experiences, yet it’s easy to make mistakes. We’ve prepared this guide to help you navigate through one of the most challenging parts of your new journey – personal finance. Personal…

3 Challenges Of Online Learning
(And How To Get Past Them)

As more and more students across the U.S. opt to get their degrees online, it’s becoming harder to ignore the perks of distance learning. First of all, it’s more affordable than traditional universities, and can even be tuition-free. While this may be the initial draw for most distance learners – they soon discover that it’s…

University of the People to offer 50 scholarships to students from Myanmar

Pasadena, CA. November 23, 2016 – University of the People (“UoPeople”), based in Pasadena, California, has announced that it will offer 50 scholarships especially created for students born in Myanmar to study tuition-free toward its American accredited degrees at the university’s virtual campus. Associates and bachelor degree programs are available in business administration, computer science…