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Our Scholarships

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We are a tuition-free University, which means all students have access to an ultra-low-cost American accredited, college degree. If you want to read more about what it means to be tuition-free, click here.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, scholarships are made available in select cases to help students in need cover assessment fees and the application fee. Students can apply each term for scholarships. 

Because we do not charge tuition, UoPeople does not receive Title IV funds and does not participate in federal or state financial aid programs.

See Terms & Conditions for UoPeople’s Scholarships.

UoPeople scholarships are diverse and dynamic originating from various sources, and donors across the globe. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis, so be sure to check back regularly for new opportunities!

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Accredited, Tuition-free, 100% Online Flexibility

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