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Start a UoPeople@Community

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With 152,933 students representing 209 countries and territories and thousands more volunteers and supporters worldwide, University of the People truly has a global presence. Local students, graduates, and supporters can engage with UoPeople and each other by launching or participating in a UoPeople@ Community.

With 152,933 students representing 209 countries and territories and thousands more volunteers and supporters worldwide, University of the People truly has a global presence. Local students, graduates, and supporters can engage with UoPeople and each other by launching or participating in a UoPeople@ Community.

Frequently Asked Questions about UoPeople@ Communities

UoPeople@ Communities are on-the-ground networks of UoPeople students, alumni, volunteers, and others based in different geographical locations. Each Community is named after its region, making it easy for members to find the right Community and connect with peers and colleagues in-person and online.


There are 12 UoPeople@ Communities worldwide. We invite you to join your UoPeople@ Community by clicking on the relevant location below.

UoPeople@ Communities are on-the-ground networks of UoPeople students, alumni, volunteers, and others based in different geographical locations. Each Community is named after its region, making it easy for members to find the right Community and connect with peers and colleagues in-person and online.


There are 12 UoPeople@ Communities worldwide. We invite you to join your UoPeople@ Community by clicking on the relevant location below.

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