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“ tuition+free ”

Working Full Time and Going to School?

There’s no doubt that working full time and going to school can be challenging. There’s only so much time in a day to get things done. As such, it may feel like an overwhelming or daunting situation. However, there are many ways to make working full time and going to school full time an achievable…

Equity vs Equality and How They Are Different

It’s easy to think that equality and equity mean the same thing. However, there are crucial differences between equity and equality. These are important to understand, especially when it comes to education. That’s why we are going to dive deeply into equity vs equality and see how fairness, success, and society are affected by these…

What Am I Good At? 10 Steps to Assess Your Strengths

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “What am I good at?” then you’re not alone. A lot of people ask themselves this question, especially when deciding on a college major or career path. While it seems intuitive that everyone should know what they are good at, there are various ways for how to find what…

How Have Cell Phones Changed Us Socially?

Where is your cell phone right now? Chances are it’s within arm’s length from you. Have you sent a text message or several today? The likely answer is also yes. If you’ve found yourself asking, “How have cell phones changed us socially?” The answer is plenty. Researchers have studied how different age groups use cell…

Top Universities in Japan for International Students

Are you seeking high quality education and the world’s best sushi? In all seriousness, there are so many reasons why studying abroad in Japan is a good idea for college students. Aside from the amazing cultural experiences, many of the best universities in Japan warmly welcome international students. The decision to study abroad is not…

Regional vs National Accreditation: What’s The Difference

When looking into what college or university you want to attend, one of the biggest influencers of your decision should be whether or not the institution in question is accredited. In 2014, University of the People received national accreditation by the DEAC. Because this “stamp of approval” reflects the high quality of our institution, this…

UoPeople Receives WSCUC Accreditation Eligibility

[Pasadena, CA. March 12, 2020] – University of the People (UoPeople) has been diligently working with the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) on an application for accreditation and are very excited to be able to announce our eligibility to proceed with the accreditation process. “We look forward to working with WASC in this…

Visual Designer vs Graphic Designer — Differences You Should Know

While graphic designers and visual designers may seem like similar roles, there are some key differences between these two jobs. If you are considering a career in design, it is imperative that you understand these differences so that you can choose the job that best suits your interests. Let’s do a comparison of visual designer…

How Does Online College Work?

Higher education doesn’t always fit perfectly into everyone’s life situation. For some, the rising costs of traditional college poses a challenge, and for others, it may be a need to continue working during school. Regardless of the reason, the rise in online college is offering a solution for millions of people around the world who…

Is a YouTube Career for You?

Careers in YouTube are becoming more and more enticing with ultra-successful YouTubers earning upwards of 7 figures. Many have even opted for a full-time career making videos while pushing off college altogether. But is cashing in on a YouTube career the right choice for you? What is a YouTube Career? The YouTube platform started in…

Dreams vs Goals: The Differences that Matter

Do you know the difference between dreams vs goals? While dreams and goals may be often confused with one another, there are several differences. Just waiting for your dreams to come true on their own will never happen. Dreaming can be fun and exciting, but you’ll be waiting a lifetime without one key puzzle piece…

College Fun Facts That Will Surprise You

When it comes to pursuing higher education, there is a lot of information to absorb before even enrolling in the college of your choice. There are so many different types of colleges out there, from online schools to traditional campuses. Once you decide the type of institution you want to attend, then you get to…