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“ tuition+free ”

How to Be a Leader? Your Way to Greatness

At some point during your career, the time will come when you are required to step up and become a leader. You may find yourself managing a team of people, running your own business, or even just trying to inspire a colleague. While it may seem like some people are natural leaders, there are many…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science: It’s a New Era

In the month of February, there is one special day that really celebrates women. No, we aren’t talking about Valentine’s Day! The International Day of Women and Girls in Science takes place on February 11 every year. It’s a great day to recognize important women in science and inspire women around the world to get…

College 101: U.S. Colleges Explained

Whether you’re a high school student looking to understand what college or university is all about, or you’re an international student looking to study abroad in the United States, American colleges can seem confusing. There are so many types of degrees, majors, and colleges to choose from. Plus, navigating course codes, credits, and financial aid…

Online Degrees Canada Has to Offer

The advancement of technology has forever changed the way that we are able to obtain new information. Just one of the many fields that have been positively affected by technology is education. With the innovation of online learning, you can obtain a university degree from anywhere in the world, regardless of how far you live…

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Whether you are a parent considering homeschooling a child or an adult thinking about studying online, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Homeschooling and online education have gained popularity in recent years, offering flexibility and personalized learning experiences.  However, they also come with their own set of challenges. In…

Trips for College Students with a Small Budget

It’s no secret that college can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still find ways to explore the world. Traveling is an incredible way to learn about other cultures and yourself, but budgets can often get in the way of making this a reality. However, there are trips for college students that don’t…

Top 15 Celebrities with College Degrees of All Ages

You may be surprised to find out that many of your favorite celebrities went to college. The list of celebrities with college degrees is longer than you think. Here, we will look at where a few notables earned their degree and what they studied. In fact, this list goes to show that not everyone who…

Does the SAT Essay Matter? – Don’t Stress it Too Much

If you’re applying to college in the U.S., you will most likely need to take the SAT or ACT exam. This is because most colleges require the SAT or ACT as part of the application. The SAT, or Scholastic Aptitude Test, is administered by the College Board. It consists of four sections and an optional…

What is a Commuter School?

If you have an opportunity to stay at home and commute to school, it’s definitely something you should consider. But before you jump right on it, you should take the time to carefully think if it’s really worth your time and money commuting to college. For example, did you know that you will likely receive…

How to Become a White Hat Hacker – Become a Cyber Hero!

If you’re a student who is looking to use the skills of hacking for the greater good, then becoming a white hat hacker may be the career for you. While the demand for white hat hackers is greater than ever before, there are still a number of skills and qualifications that you will need to…

World Education Day Honors Human Rights

Education benefits people individually and, in turn, society as a whole. To honor the idea that education is a human right, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed January 24, 2020 as the International Day of Education. World Education Day aims the spotlight on the necessity of education and helps to establish advocacy efforts to…

Learn About the Stories of 8 of the World’s Most Successful People with ADHD

There is much debate about how to manage the symptoms of ADHD — whether it should be via conventional medication, alternative medication or a choice of various therapy treatments. Some even argue that ADHD doesn’t exist at all. However, one thing that is indisputable is that there is an abundance of highly successful people with…